Last time I introduced the traditional toy, Foot Shuttlecock. It is a cheap, interesting and easy toy. Now I take the some pictures to show you how to make a Foot Shuttlecock.


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Laziness comes from humanity.


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On Facebook, there is a quiz "What is the soundtrack of your life?" My result is Elizabethtown and my song is 'Learning to fly.' So, I was very curious about this movie. Then I just watched it during dinner time! The leading characters are Orlando Bloom and Kirsten Dunst. Actually, I found I already watched it before, but I forgot that I had watched it! Well, simply to say, I like the movie a lot!!! I like the opening "someone once said there's a difference between failure and fiasco. A failure is no existence of success. Any fool can accomplish any kind of failure. But a fiasco----A FIASCO----is a disaster of myth proportions. A FIASCO is a folk tale told to others that makes other people feel more ALIVE because IT DIDN'T HAPPEN TO THEM!"  It's true, isn't it?

A man, Drew, was fired by a famous shoe-making company. First, he wanted to kill himself. However, right at the time when he was about to kill himself, he got a call from his sister. His father passed away. He had to picked him up from Elizabethtown, Kentucky. On the flight, he met the flight attendant, Claire. Then the story began...

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Sometime we do something surprisingly.

Sometime something would happen unanticipated…

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     Reinstalling Windows system must be the most common thing that every one will do in their life. However, this is not an easy assignment--or, to find the suitable driver program is not an assignment.

     The story was started from the Genius Windows program. This program will aske that if you want to examine your Windows system is original edition, and after getting your permission, it will began to test it. When the program find out that you use the illegal copy, you are wanted!

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  Finally all my merchandise ordered from the internet had arrived to the right place. What a long time!

      The first thing I am going to introduce is my new package bag. The origin bag I used is a large black bag, which can put a lot of things into it. However, it also affects me to put "more" things--which I do not need to use at outside--and the weight I carry is rising more and more. Besides, the black one does not have some small bags in the inside bag-wall, so every time I have to put my cell phone and keys in my pencil box or just put them with my books in the bag. When I need to use them, the most common situation is I have to turn my bag upside down to find the keys or the cell phone. This is not comlicated, however as the frequency is gaining, it makes me feel troublesome. So I jumped into buying-group as soon as I saw the buyer-wanted on the Buytogether board, and the my horizon was widen by the shopping.

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Today is my team presentation whose topic is introduction of cultural differences between America, Japan and Taiwan through McDonald's. My part was to introduce McDonald's in America. There are many characters created by McDonald's. Actually, McDonald's worked with Disney before ,so in our childhood we could see a lot of Disney toys in Happy Meals. However, after Disney dumped McDonald's, McDonal's started to work with other business. For example, Mario Brothers come from Japan. Thus, even in the U.S. there is a Japanese cultural diffusion. Next, it's the food. Bagels are Ameirca. But the point I'd like to say is that most of the time the American menu of McDonald's often put emphasis on their meat of burgers. This is kind of different from Taiwan and Japan. Let's go back to the 1970's of America. I found two ads on the Internet, but actually they are the same because the words on them are exactly the same. Why McDonald's made two different versions of the ad? Obviously, one is for the black and the other is for the white. I did a little bit research online. Though desegregation and civil right movements had risen at that time, perhaps there might be a quite strong concept of racial segregation. So, perhaps this was one one of the reasons why McDonald's made two different versions of it. Here's a commercial of Great Taste of America. In fact, this commercial has different versions for different places, such New York hip pop, Amazon rock, California classic and here we have Texas cowgirls. From this video, we know that America is such a broad continent that each local place will develop its own customs, values and lifestyles. America is called a melting pot because it contains many elements, different ethnic  groups of people and different religions. This is very different from Japan, which is a homogeneous country. In addition to historical backgrounds, I think geographical factors may be one of the reasons why America features individualism and Japan features collectivism.

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I did a mini-presentation in the English class last week. The topic was about women and babies. Liza, the president and founder of Expecting Models Inc., produced a reality show called "Runway Mom." I watched a couple of times on Travel and Living channel in Taiwan. Aactually, I was totally in shock when I watched it for the first time because there was a real birth process in the show. Basically, I stongly recommend that everyone should watch it once in a while if you have free time. There are many tips for prenancy you can learn, no matter you're women or men. You know, in preparation for the future, just in case, if you want a baby. You will also find that expecting moms can also be very energetic, sexy and beautiful as usual. And I'm sure you will be very grateful for your mother after you watch the show. By the way, Mother's Day is right coming up. Why not try to watch it with your mom at home?

The second thing is about the issue of breastfeeding in the U.S..  There was a news video on the Internet. A woman posted her breastfeeding images on Facebook. However, the images were taken down by Facebook due to the violation of terms of use they claimed. Then it became a hot debate on Facebook. Many other women standed on her side and uploded many breastfeeding photos on their profile on Facebook to protest against the rules. A woman even started a group called "Hey! Facebook! Breastfeeding is not obscene!" on Facebook. In the video, this woman thought this was uniquely American phnomena since she got the most hateful messages from the United States while got encouraging messages from south America and central Europe. Well, I don't know whether it is uniquely American phenomenon or not, but I do think it is very natural and normal things for women and babies to do. It's a baby's instinct to eat milk from a breast. In Taiwan, I seldom see people breastfeeding babies in public, but I did see once on a train a  woman breastfeeding her baby with a cover of clothes or towels. I thought it was ok. It was fine with me, though I just couldn't help but notice the baby's reaction while it was eating. It was really cute.

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    I checked about my cash book just before a moment, and found out expect the cost of the meals, the largest cost is e-shopping.

    Hmmm, I had used the e-shopping very early, about in the first year of the college.  At that time, I used the internet to search the comics I like and their good by the way.  However I did not buy too much--just looking through. From the Yahoo! website, I learned to buy things from the auction at Yahoo!Kimo and pay for the merchandise by transfering the money to another account--do not laugh at me, if you enter the keyword "transfer money" at the Yahoo! 知識+, you will find a lot of people asked the related questions. BBS is another way I bought the good--not the goods about comics, but the supplies I had to use at that time.

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A month ago, I became a tutor to teach a senior high school student chemistry. At first, I was so excited because its pay is high. In addition, to be a chemistry tutor is always my dream and I even want to be a chemistry teacher in the future. However, it seems that teaching chemistry turns into my nightmare now. I have to spend lots of time preparing lessons because I have forgot lots of theoretical knowledge of chemistry. Although my major subject is Chemical and Material Engineering, what I learn in college is different from that in senior high school. The college education trains me as an engineer, so I study how to find the reasonable solutions to solve lots of condition in a chemistry factory. In most case, I only need some physical concepts and basic calculation instead of chemistry knowledge to solve the problems in my study. That is, my college lessons mainly focus on applied chemistry rather than theoretical chemistry. As a result, it always costs me lots of time to prepare lesson which is mainly theoretical chemistry. Despite the fact that teaching chemistry is not a easy job for me, I think that it is a good opportunity to discipline me to be an excellent teacher. I would never give up because it is my dream!!

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