一切的一切,都得歸功於我在大四的時候,掉進了10X10的大火中...從那之後,合購的大火就一直在我身上熊熊燃燒著,尤其是文具的火焰,更是一發不可收拾...因為10X10,我開始追尋各種和購的資訊,時常在PTT合購版亂逛,最後導致我走進PTT文具版的不歸路== 這對從小到大就愛待在書桌前的我根本就是永無止境的誘惑!


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Sometimes designers need to use materials in a supermarket to make clothes; sometimes they design for special businesses such as post office or body dolls’ company even for celebrities.

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It's time to enjoy speeding world.

Let's go.

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It's been pretty busy since the end of this May. My classmates and I went to Hokkaido for graduation trip during Dragon Boat Festival vacation. It was really fun and we all enjoyed the environment there and of course the delicious food!!! However, there was a problem with my skin. On some day, I found an area of uneven bulge appeared around my left eye. After coming back from Hokkaido, my skin condition got worse... Right after the trip, we went singing for 6 hours. Then on the same day, we bought alcohols for the graduation party two days later. In the graduation party, there were plenty of activities and performances. And for the first time I sang a song in public. After the "official" party, we graduates drank together. And that's the tradition of our department. However, I didn't drink at all because I was bad at drinking. It was funny to see everyone drunk. Ha~ So it was obvious that in these days I slept little. Perhaps bad quality of sleep was the culprit. Fortunately, I finally went to see the doctor and now it's getting better.


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       At this time--H1N1 had infected a lot people in the whole world, every one tries to protect themselves by using the masks, washing hands carefully and avoiding to go to the area where a lot of H1N1 patients lived. However, we still decided to go to Hokkaido for our graduating-trip--we had paid the money, if we cut off the trip, we can only take 70% of money back, which is not a good decision.  So we go... 

     Hmmm, we had visited many places--the hot spring of 十勝川, the clock of flowers, the temple of Hokkaido, the home of horses...we visited a lot of places and took a lot of photos, each one has our stories and happy memories. There are too much photos, so I just put one or two, in order to save  capacity of my photo album.

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What a remarkable show! I love the show - Mythbusters - and it's spirit, just like Adam said "I reject your reality and substitute my own!" They are not just telling the myth, and they buster the myth. They collect lots of myth, and then they try to practice them. Here's their website: http://dsc.discovery.com/fansites/mythbusters/mythbusters.html . People can e-mail them all kinds of myth, and maybe you will see they duplicate a one just like the myth. Did you ever think that people won't really fire away by the gun? It's just one of the Hollywood myth. Or Did the bullets really can't shoot people escape under the water? Want to find out the result? You can watch the show from the Discovery channel. It is a good relaxant and you can learn some things from the show, but there is no guarantee that it's useful in your daily life, but I'm sure it's quite fun, tho.

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    For almost a month, I am treading a guitar brand named "Larrivee", and I hope to find a model of its guitar which already had no longer manufactured. So, I goggle it to find a lot of discussion about this guitar. It's called "Parlor guitar". It is sort of traveling guitars which have litter budy to let people can carry them comfortably. BTW, this guitar is not cheap. I find some of them on the eBay, and their prices are much higher than the time that owner bought. If lower than $500 the bid will be very exciting. Here is the picture of the parlor guitar : http://cgi.ebay.com/Larrivee-parlor-guitar_W0QQitemZ150348582588QQcmdZViewItemQQptZGuitar?hash=item2301794ebc&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=65%3A12%7C66%3A2%7C39%3A1%7C72%3A1205%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A1%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50 .

    You can see the price is very high, considering the original price is only $500 at the time. But it is a beauty. Of course, it also has a great sound too. The brand of this guitar is highly famous. No wonder why people are crazy to bid for it, or sell it in almost the twice price it would be.

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    Here, I introduce an international way to buy or sell  things under the safe circumstance. It is by "Paypal". It's an global system that build more safe situation of business to let people trade between people with lower risks. And ,even better,  people can trade by credit cards. But is it a snug way to do? Well, ebay ,which is the international trading website, recommend their members to use Paypal to exchange. I think that is quite clear there is a promise of safety. Of course, the procedure of trades are not very simple, but compare to lose money or be defrauded, I can bear the complex function of the paypal system. Thanks for Paypal, it's much easier to buy things from abroad. BTW, it also proved your credit, so other people will feel safer when they trade with you.

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After introducing how to make the Foot Shuttlecock, I teach you how to play it. There are many ways to play, but they can be classified into two broad categories: Static and dynamic plays. In static plays, only one foot is involved in kicking, and the other foot stays on the ground. This is the most basic way to play. In dynamic plays (also called jump-kick plays), both feet must jump up to the air to kick the shuttlecock. Static play and dynamic play can be combined. In addition to kick the shuttlecock up and down by feet, it is possible to use the shoulder, one or both hands, and even the chin and the forehead to kick the shuttlecock up and down. In addition to individual plays, shuttlecock can be played by a group – competition, and relay kicking. You can produce limitless ways to play the Foot Shuttlecock as long as you can imagine.

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