Have a nice day.

murmur~  by little six (小6)  (Come in, please ~ : )

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A long time age, my aunt gave me a little doll as my birthday present. It is made by Beanie Babies, which is a small puppy hanging with a KISSES chocolate. Just like this:


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I saw two special films last week. The first on is The Sea Inside, which based on the real-life story of Ramón Sampedro. Sampedro is a quadriplegic after a diving accident. He fought a 28-year campaign in support of euthanasia and his right to end his own life. He was not able to get the court to rule in his favor, but he did end his life by having drank cyanide. The second film is The Diving Bell And The Butterfly, which also based on the memoir of the same name by Jean-Dominique Bauby. These film depicts Bauby's life after suffering a massive stroke at the age of 43, which left him with a condition known as locked-in syndrome. The condition paralyzed him, with the exception of his left eyelid, so that he could only communicate by blinking.

In my opinion, both the main characters in the two films are paralyzed, but they held different attitude toward their life. Sampedro thought being a quadriplegic made his life without dignity, and euthanasia is the only way to let him hold the last self-respect. However, Bauby didn’t give up his life, and he tried his best to write the memoir by blinking his left eye. Although they all died at the end of the film, the meaning are totally different. I don’t mean to comment which character’s choice was the better one, but I had been taught since I was a child that Bauby’s attitude was right. No matter what you thought, the lesson from the two films we can learn is that “different attitudes toward the same situation will cause different stories and our own life is the combination of our different choices”.   

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When everything comes together...How to call it?

What's a mess= =     (Come in, please ~ : )

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It is great to escape the rainy weather at school! It rains a lot.......

I bought the ticket of Stefanie's concert and I'was very very very very exciting!!!!! I think it is going to be the best memory I've ever had. As far as I'm concerned, she is a very familiar old friend who walks me through the ups and downs in my life. I don't regard her as an idol or superstar actually. She is just human and an ordinary person like we are. I don't care what the media say and I don't like the over-commercia package, such as the poster.......But, you know what. It doesn't matter. As long as she is still who she is........it will be enough for me. Yes, people change. change with time. Or frankly put it, with age.  Perhaps she is a little different from who she used to be, but we all are, aren't we? Well. all I really want to say is "I'll be there with you! Dear Stefanie."

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A week ago, my friends and I went to see Warhol's exhibition in Taipei. Since we didn't know about getting ear sets for explaining the works in advance, we had to follow the narrator closely from one work to another.

Andy Warhol is Godfather of Pop Art. I have seen some of his works, such as Marilyn Monroe, Mou, the banana, Campell's chicken soup. As far as I'm concerned, getting to know about the artist intrigues my enthusiasm about his works more. To my surprise, Andy had plastics surgery on his eyes and nose. I thought artists wouldn't care much about their appearance. Besides, westerners had bigger eyes and taller noses than those we had.

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